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다니엘 12장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 27단 12.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  다니엘12장.pptx영어성경  Daniel 12.mp3 다니엘12장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76008018?service=flash  1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people--everyone whose name is fou..

호세아 1장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 01.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아01장.pptx영어성경 Hosea 01.mp3 호세아 1장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76008005?service=flash Hosea호세아   1 The word of the LORD that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel:1 웃시야와 요담과 아하스와 히스기야가 이어 유다 왕이 된 시대 곧..

호세아 2장

개역개정 (큰글) 28호 02.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아02장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 02.mp3 호세아 2장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007991?service=flash  1 "Say of your brothers, 'My people,' and of your sisters, 'My loved one.'1 너희 형제에게는 암미라 하고 너희 자매에게는 루하마라 하라1. 你們要稱你們的弟兄爲阿米(就是我民的意思),稱你們的姊妹爲路哈瑪(就是蒙憐憫的意思)。 2 "Rebuke your mother, rebuke her, for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband. Let her remove ..

호세아 3장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 03.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아03장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 03.mp3 호세아 3장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007975?service=flash  1 The LORD said to me, "Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes."1 여호와께서 내게 이르..

호세아 4장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 04.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아04장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 04.mp3 호세아 4장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007958?service=flash  1 Hear the word of the LORD, you Israelites, because the LORD has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: "There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land.1 이스라엘 자손들아 여호와의 말씀을 들으라 여호와께서 이 땅 주민과 논쟁하시나니 ..

호세아 5장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 05.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아05장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 05.mp3 호세아 5장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007946?service=flash    1 "Hear this, you priests! Pay attention, you Israelites! Listen, O royal house! This judgment is against you: You have been a snare at Mizpah, a net spread out on Tabor.1 제사장들아 이를 들으라 이스라엘 족속들아 깨달으라 왕족들아 귀를 기울이라 너희에게 심판이 있나니 너희가 미스바에 ..

호세아 6장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 06.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아06장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 06.mp3 호세아 6장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007926?service=flash  1 "Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds.1 오라 우리가 여호와께로 돌아가자 여호와께서 우리를 찢으셨으나 도로 낫게 하실 것이요 우리를 치셨으나 싸매어 주실 것임이라1. 來罷,我們歸向耶和華!他撕裂我們,也必醫治;他打傷我們,也必纏裹。 ..

호세아 7장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 07.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아07장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 07.mp3 호세아 7장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007916?service=flash  1 "Whenever I would restore the fortunes of my people, whenever I would heal Israel, the sins of Ephraim are exposed and the crimes of Samaria revealed. They practice deceit, thieves break into houses, bandits rob in the streets;1 내가 이스라..

호세아 8장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 08.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아08장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 08.mp3 호세아 8장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007909?service=flash  1 "Put the trumpet to your lips! An eagle is over the house of the LORD because the people have broken my covenant and rebelled against my law.1 나팔을 네 입에 댈지어다 원수가 독수리처럼 여호와의 집에 덮치리니 이는 그들이 내 언약을 어기며 내 율법을 범함이로다1. 你用口吹角罷!敵人如鷹來攻打耶和華的家;因爲這民..

호세아 9장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 09.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아09장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 09.mp3 호세아 9장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007901?service=flash  1 Do not rejoice, O Israel; do not be jubilant like the other nations. For you have been unfaithful to your God; you love the wages of a prostitute at every threshing floor.1 이스라엘아 너는 이방 사람처럼 기뻐 뛰놀지 말라 네가 음행하여 네 하나님을 떠나고 각 타작 마당에서 음행의 값을..

호세아 10장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정 (큰글) 28호 10.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  호세아10장.pptx영어성경  Hosea 10.mp3 호세아10장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76007844?service=flash  1 Israel was a spreading vine; he brought forth fruit for himself. As his fruit increased, he built more altars; as his land prospered, he adorned his sacred stones.1 이스라엘은 열매 맺는 무성한 포도나무라 그 열매가 많을수록 제단을 많게 하며 그 땅이 번영할수록 주상을 아름답게 하도다1. 以..