개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9 개역개정(큰글) 13대상 23.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt 역대상23장.pptx영어성경 1st Chronicles 23.mp3 역대상23장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76317498?service=flash 1 When David was old and full of years, he made his son Solomon king over Israel.1 다윗이 나이가 많아 늙으매 아들 솔로몬을 이스라엘 왕으로 삼고1. 大衛年紀老邁,日子滿足,就立他兒子所羅門作以色列的王。 2 He also gathered together all the leaders of Israel, as well as the priest..