【자막성경(구약)】 930

사무엘하 17장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 10삼하 17.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  사무엘하17장.pptx영어성경  2nd Samuel 17.mp3 사무엘하17장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76095663?service=flash  play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/414298923?service=player_share    1 Ahithophel said to Absalom, "I would choose twelve thousand men and set out tonight in pursuit of David.1 아히도벨이 또 압살롬에게 이르되 이제 내가 사람 만 이천 명을 택하게 하소서 오늘..

사무엘하 18장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 10삼하 18.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt  사무엘하18장.pptx영어성경  2nd Samuel 18.mp3 사무엘하18장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76095643?service=flash  play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/414341522?service=player_share       1 David mustered the men who were with him and appointed over them commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds.1 이에 다윗이 그와 함께 한 백성을 찾아가서 천부장과 백..

사무엘하 19장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 10삼하 19.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt   사무엘하19장.pptx영어성경  2nd Samuel 19.mp3 사무엘하19장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76095625?service=flash  play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/415369001?service=player_share   1 Joab was told, "The king is weeping and mourning for Absalom."1 어떤 사람이 요압에게 아뢰되 왕이 압살롬을 위하여 울며 슬퍼하시나이다 하니1. 有人告訴約押說:王爲押沙龍哭泣悲哀。 2 And for the whole army..

사무엘하 20장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 10삼하 20.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt   사무엘하20장.pptx영어성경  2nd Samuel 20.mp3 사무엘하20장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76095601?service=flash play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/415369051?service=player_share   1 Now a troublemaker named Sheba son of Bicri, a Benjamite, happened to be there. He sounded the trumpet and shouted, "We have no share in David, no part ..

사무엘하 21장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 10삼하 21.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt   사무엘하21장.pptx영어성경  2nd Samuel 21.mp3 사무엘하21장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76095584?service=flash play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/415401026?service=player_share     1 During the reign of David, there was a famine for three successive years; so David sought the face of the LORD. The LORD said, "It is on account of S..

사무엘하 22장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 10삼하 22.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt   사무엘하22장.pptx영어성경  2nd Samuel 22.mp3 http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76095548?service=flash play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/415401058?service=player_share     1 David sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.1 여호와께서 다윗을 모든 원수의 손과 사울의 손에서..

사무엘하 23장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 10삼하 23.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt   사무엘하23장.pptx영어성경  2nd Samuel 23.mp3 사무엘하23장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76095535?service=flash play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/415401075?service=player_share     1 These are the last words of David: "The oracle of David son of Jesse, the oracle of the man exalted by the Most High, the man anointed by the God of J..

사무엘하 24장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 10삼하 24.mp3개역한글 ppt한영ppt   사무엘하24장.pptx영어성경  2nd Samuel 24.mp3 사무엘하24장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76095501?service=flash play-tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/415401096?service=player_share 카카오TV 플레이어영상제목 LIVE Replay 영상 담기 관련영상 공유하기 재생하기play-tv.kakao.com   1 Again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he incited David against them, sa..

사무엘상 1장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글)개역한글 ppt 사무엘상01장.pptx 한영ppt  사무엘상01장.pptx 영어성경  1st Samuel 01.mp3 사무엘상 1장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76089024?service=flash   사무엘 상1 Samuel   1 There was a certain man from Ramathaim, a Zuphite from the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. 1 에브라임 산지 라마다..

사무엘상 2장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정 (큰글) 09삼상 02.mp3개역한글 ppt 사무엘상02장.pptx한영ppt  사무엘상02장.pptx영어성경  1st Samuel 02.mp3 사무엘상 2장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76089005?service=flash      1 Then Hannah prayed and said: "My heart rejoices in the LORD; in the LORD my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance. 1 한나가 기도하여 이르되 내 마음이 여호와로 말미암아 즐거워하며 내 뿔이..

사무엘상 3장

개역개정성경(큰글배경) 16-9  개역개정(큰글) 09삼상 03.mp3 개역한글 ppt 사무엘상03장.pptx한영ppt  사무엘상03장.pptx영어성경  1st Samuel 03.mp3 사무엘상 3장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76088985?service=flash      1 The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli. In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions. 1 아이 사무엘이 엘리 앞에서 여호와를 섬길 때에는 여호와의 말씀이 희귀하여 이상이 흔히 보이지 않았더라 1. 童子撒母耳在以利面前事奉耶和華。當那..