【자막성경(구약)】/출애굽기 40

출애굽기 34장

개역개정 (큰글) 02출 34.mp3 개역한글 ppt 한영ppt 출애굽기34장.pptx 영어성경 34 Exodus 34.mp3 02 출애굽기34장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76049173?service=flash http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/388149262?service=flash&alert=true 1 The LORD said to Moses, "Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. 1 여호와께서 모..

출애굽기 35장

개역개정(큰글) 02출 35.mp3 개역한글 ppt 한영ppt 출애굽기35장.pptx 영어성경 35 Exodus 35.mp3 02 출애굽기35장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76049128?service=flash http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/388154547?service=flash&alert=true 1 Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and said to them, "These are the things the LORD has commanded you to do: 1 모세가 이스라엘 자손의 온 회중을 모으고 그들에게 이르되 여호와께서 너희에게 명령하사..

출애굽기 36장

개역개정 (큰글) 02출 36.mp3 개역한글 ppt 한영ppt 출애굽기36장.pptx 영어성경 36 Exodus 36.mp3 02 출애굽기36장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76049104?service=flash http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/388185947?service=flash&alert=true 1 So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the LORD has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do ..

출애굽기 37장

개역개정 (큰글) 02출 37.mp3 개역한글 ppt 한영ppt 출애굽기37장.pptx 영어성경 37 Exodus 37.mp3 02 출애굽기37장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76049053?service=flash http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/388315457?service=flash&alert=true 1 Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood--two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. 1 브살렐이 조각목으로 궤를 만들었으니 길이가 두 규빗 반, 너비가 한 규빗 반, 높이가..

출애굽기 38장

개역개정(큰글) 02출 38.mp3 개역한글 ppt 한영ppt 출애굽기38장.pptx 영어성경 38 Exodus 38.mp3 02 출애굽기38장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76049036?service=flash http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/388400697?service=flash&alert=true 1 They built the altar of burnt offering of acacia wood, three cubits high; it was square, five cubits long and five cubits wide. 1 그가 또 조각목으로 번제단을 만들었으니 길이는 다섯 규빗이요 너비도 다..

출애굽기 39장

개역개정 (큰글) 02출 39.mp3 개역한글 ppt 한영ppt 출애굽기39장.pptx 영어성경 39 Exodus 39.mp3 02 출애굽기39장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76049002?service=flash http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/388417478?service=flash&alert=true 1 From the blue, purple and scarlet yarn they made woven garments for ministering in the sanctuary. They also made sacred garments for Aaron, as the LORD commanded Moses...

출애굽기 40장

개역개정 (큰글) 02출 40.mp3 개역한글 ppt 한영ppt 출애굽기40장.pptx 영어성경 40 Exodus 40.mp3 02 출애굽기40장.hwp http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/76048981?service=flash http://tv.kakao.com/embed/player/cliplink/388417920?service=flash&alert=true 1 Then the LORD said to Moses: 1 여호와께서 모세에게 말씀하여 이르시되 1. 耶和華曉諭摩西說: 2 "Set up the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, on the first day of the first month. 2 너는 첫째 달 초하루에 성막 곧..